Christ Royal Ambassadors: Moving closer to God on a daily basis cannot be compromised, if we are to run successful race.
The Holiness of God cannot dwell with our sin; And the unrighteousness of man exposes his nakedness to a shameful point that he’s unable to seek God.
we are in a society that believes, Holiness is not for man. But that is not what the Bible says.
1 Peter 1:-15-16 “But just as He who called you is Holy, so be Holy in all you do;for it is written , “Be Holy because I am Holy.”
The Grace of God in Christ must not be miss-interpreted to benefit the flesh. One step at a time, Let us start the journey towards righteousness.
To live and die in sin, is to incur the wrath of God in judgement.
Hebrews 12:-14 “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be Holy: without Holiness no one will see God.
In conclusion: May our efforts be crowned with success that we don’t labor in vain.